Read up on insights, ideas and reports about the future of industrial production our work towards making it real.
Read up on insights, ideas and reports about the future of industrial production and our work towards making it real.
Regenergy Frövi reuses industrial waste heat from a cartonboard factory to produce tomatoes in greenhouses. This contributes to increased self-sufficiency, less transports and new jobs. The first greenhouse is completed and will produce 8 000 tonnes of tomatoes every year – about every tenth tomato eaten in Sweden.
Later this year we will begin to work on the second greenhouse. Paired with Greenhouse 1 this will provide a big boost to Sweden’s domestic production of tomatoes, reaching a total of around 17,000 tonnes of annual production – about every fifth tomato eaten in Sweden.
Parker, Thomas
A discussion on risk, opportunities and challenges for food production in the perspective of the food-energy-water nexus. Sustainable Earth. 2. 10.1186/s42055-019-0016-7.
Parker, Thomas & Svantemark, Maria.
Energy Sci Eng, 4: 153–165. doi:10.1002/ese3.113.
Parker, T. and Kiessling, A.
In: 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 2015-05-03.
Seidel, M., E., J., R., G., J., S., P., S. & Parker, T.
In: Joint Conference of the Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC) / Transactions of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013. American Institute of Physics. 633-638.
Weisend, J., Darve, C., Gallimore, S., Hees, W., Jurns, J., Köttig, T., Ladd, P., Molloy, S., Parker, T. & Wang, X.
ESS reports, ESS-2012-001, 6 Feb 2012, ISBN 978-91-980173-0-4, 240 p.
Peggs, S. (ed)
A case study at the European Spallation Source, Energy Systems Conference, London, U.K.
Kiessling, A. & Parker, T.
In: 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Dresden, Germany, 2014-06-15.
Stadlmann, J., Gehring, R., Jensen, E., Parker, T., Seidel, M. & Spiller, P.
In: 55th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e– Colliders – Higgs Factory (HF2014), Beijing, 2014-10-09.
Parker, T. & Peck, P.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 53 81-90.
Parker, T.
ESS reports, ESS-0001761. European Spallation Source ESS AB.
Parker, T., Andersson-Ek, P., Bengtssson, R., Blücher, A., Didriksson, M., Eriksson, R., Fröjd, C., Gesterling, M., Gierow, M., Indebetou, F., Jensen, F., Jurns, J., Lindström, E., Lundgren, D., Nilsson, M., Persson, J., Persson, T., Renntun, M., Stenlund, J., Strömberg, S., Strandberg, G., Stråth, N., Swartling-Jung, M., Wiegert, M. & Österback, R.
In: EuCARD’13, CERN, Geneva, 2013-06-12.
Parker, T.
ESS-doc-274, April 23, 2013, ISBN 978-91-980173-2-8, 650 p.
Peggs, S. (ed)